Callum Macrae

Introducing Deity

Deity is a property generating tool for use when writing generative tests. You call it saying what kind of data should be generated, and then it calls a specified testing function a number of times (the default is 100 times) with some random generated data matching what you said you wanted.

Basically, it does this:

deity('number:10-20', function (num) {
    // This function will be called 100 times: num will
    // equal a random number between 10 and 20 each time

This is useful for testing a range of values against a function you've written, instead of just a couple values that you specified when writing the test.

The first argument is what we call a "generator string": it specifies the name of the generator that should be used and any arguments to be given to the generator—in the case of the number generator, a range to generate the number within.

You can specify multiple generator strings as multiple arguments, and the callback will be called with multiple arguments.

It then has an optional argument which is an object containing configuration for both Deity and any generators. For example, we can specify the number of times we want Deity to run the generator.

The final argument is a function, your testing function, which will be called a number of times with different generated data each time. You can then run your tests on this data.

Deity is extensible via plugins, and it is easy to write your own plugins: they are just ES6 generators.

#An example

Let's say we want to test a reverse() function that simply takes a string and returns it in reverse order. Traditionally with mocha and an assertion library, we would write a test for it like this:

describe('reverse()', function () {
    it('should return reversed string', function () {
        assert.equal(reverse('abc'), 'cba');
        assert.equal(reverse('qwerty'), 'ytrewq');
        assert.equal(reverse('hello'), 'olleh');

That's all very well, but we're only testing those three specific strings. It would be nice if we could generate some strings to test—and with Deity, we can.

Let's rewrite the example to call reverse() twice, which should return the original string:

describe('reverse()', function () {
    it('should return reversed string', function () {
        assert.equal(reverse(reverse('abc')), 'abc');
        assert.equal(reverse(reverse('qwerty')), 'qwerty');
        assert.equal(reverse(reverse('hello')), 'hello');

Now we're testing that the input string and output string are the same instead of manually performing the reverse logic when writing our tests. We can use Deity to generate the test strings for us:

describe('reverse()', function () {
    it('should return reversed string', function () {
        return deity('string:5-10', function (str) {
            assert.equal(reverse(reverse(str)), str);
            assert.notEqual(reverse(str), str);

I've also added a .notEqual() check: otherwise reverse() could just return the original string and the tests would pass.

Our assertion will be called 100 times with a different random string each time with a length between 5 and 10 characters. This is far superior to testing the same three strings every time!


Deity has quite a few built in generators which can be used to generate many types of data.

You can test all of the generator strings provided in this article by going to the Deity website and running them in the form at the top right.

Here are a few of the most useful:


This generator generates strings of random length within a specified range.

deity('string:30-50', function (str) {
    // str will equal a string with a length of between
    // 30 and 50 characters

The string generator gets the characters from the letters config options. You can customise it. If you only want the string to contain vowels, you can do the following:

deity('string:30-50', { letters: 'AEIOU' }, function (str) {
    // str will equal a string containing only vowels


The number generator generates numbers between a given range of numbers.

deity('number:5-20', function (num) {
    // num will equal a number between 5 and 20

The numbers generated are not whole numbers: for example, the above could have generated 17.51900236005895. The generator also accepts a second argument specifying the precision we want the number generated to. Just specify a number of the precision that you want the generated number to be returned as. For example, if you specify a precision of "0.001", the number used as an example previously would be rounded to 17.519.

deity('number:0-100:0.1', function (num) {
    // number will equal a number between 0 and 100 with
    // no more than one decimal place


The int generator is similar to the number generator, but only generates whole numbers.

Example: int:5-10 will return whole numbers between 5 and 10.


This generator generates single characters within a given range:

deity('char:A-M', function (char) {
    // char will be a letter in the first half of the alphabet


The boolean generator generates true or false values with a given bias.

With no arguments, it generates true 50% of the time, and false the other 50% of the time. If given a number between 0 and 1, it generates the values with a bias. For example, if give 0.7, it will return true 70% of the time, and false the remaining the 30%.

deity('boolean:0.1', function (value) {
    // value will be false nine times out of ten


The oneOf generator is one of a few generators that takes another generator as argumenta: this is called a subgenerator. They are specified like this: oneOf:(string:5-10):(int:0-10):(boolean). That's three subgenerators being given as arguments, and the oneOf generators then randomly picks one of them.

It will generate either a value that is either a string between 5 and 10 characters long, or an integer between 0 and 10, or a boolean value.

deity('oneOf:(string:5-10):(int:0-10):(boolean)', function (value) {
    // value is one of the following:
    // - a string of length between 5 and 10 characters
    // - an integer between 0 and 10
    // - or a boolean value with no bias

For a full list of supported generators, check out the Deity documentation.


It's easy to extend Deity with plugins, and it's easy to write your own. Deity generators are just ES6 generators: every value they yield will be passed to the function specified by the user.

To load a plugin, use the deity.extend() function. For this example, we're going to use the deity-plugin-randomuser plugin.

var deity = require('deity');
var randomUser = require('deity-plugin-randomuser');


deity('users', function (user) {
    // will be called with 50 generated users

#Writing a plugin

This will be a separate article: keep an eye on my twitter for when it will be posted (it will be in the next week).

tl;dr: plugins are ES6 generators:

deity.extend('myGenerator', function* () {
    while (true) {
        yield 'This is the value given to the deity callback';


Generators can be asynchronous, and if they are, any errors thrown inside your specified function won't be caught by mocha. To get around this, when using an asynchronous generator, the deity function returns a promise which will be either resolved or rejected depending on whether an error is thrown. If you're using mocha, just return the result of the deity function as in the example below.

If you want your testing function to be asynchronous, returning a promise will allow you to do that.

The randomuser plugin mentioned just now sends off an AJAX request before it can call your testing function with the random users, and so is an asynchronous generator. Let's see how we would use it with mocha:

describe('validateUser()', function () {
    it('should validate users', function () {
        return deity('randomuser', function (user) {

To go further with this, let's introduce an asynchronous asyncValidateUser() function to the example:

describe('validateUser()', function () {
    it('should validate users', function () {
        return deity('randomuser', function (user) {
            return validateUser(user)
                .then(function (isValid) {

Writing the same code without Deity would be less than trivial.

#Wrapping up

Deity allows us to easily test data generated randomly from criteria we specify. Based on promises, it allows us to perform both synchronous and asynchronous operations in our generators and testing functions.

It can be extended with plugins such as deity-plugin-randomuser, which uses an API to generate random users for your tests. It's also easy to write your own plugins: Deity generators are just ES6 generators.

For more, check out the website and the Deity documentation.

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