I love Tweakpane! I use it when working on my Codepens and other visual works, to tweak variables until things look just how I want them.
Open "Controls" on the top right to see an example here:
I kept finding myself setting the same settings again and again because they weren't persisting across page reloads, so I wrote some code to persist various things using local storage. I don't think it can be done as a plugin but if I'm wrong, let me know!
Let's take a basic Tweakpane setup:
const config = {
number: 5,
string: 'hello world',
color: 0xff0000,
const pane = new Pane({
title: 'Controls',
pane.addInput(config, 'number', { min: 0, max: 10 });
pane.addInput(config, 'string');
pane.addInput(config, 'color', { view: 'color' });
To persist config across page reloads, you can use a combination of Tweakpane's events and import/export functionality, both of which are documented on this page.
The first change we'll make is to store the config in local storage when any input is changed:
pane.on('change', () => {
const preset = JSON.stringify(pane.exportPreset());
localStorage.setItem('tweakpane-preset', preset);
Then, on page load, we can check local storage for an existing preset and import it into tweakpane if it exists:
const preset = localStorage.getItem('tweakpane-preset');
if (preset) {
try {
} catch (err) {
console.error('Failed to set from preset', err);
Note that this has to be done after you've added your inputs as tweakpane ignores properties that it doesn't know about.
The final code looks like this:
const config = {
number: 5,
string: 'hello world',
color: 0xff0000,
const pane = new Pane({
title: 'Controls',
pane.on('change', () => {
const preset = JSON.stringify(pane.exportPreset());
localStorage.setItem('tweakpane-preset', preset);
pane.addInput(config, 'number', { min: 0, max: 10 });
pane.addInput(config, 'string');
pane.addInput(config, 'color', { view: 'color' });
const preset = localStorage.getItem('tweakpane-preset');
if (preset) {
try {
} catch (err) {
console.error('Failed to set from preset', err);
This one is a bit easier! We can use the fold
event and expanded
for this:
const pane = new Pane({
title: 'Controls',
expanded: localStorage.getItem('tweakpane-closed') !== 'true',
pane.on('fold', ({ expanded }) => {
localStorage.setItem('tweakpane-closed', String(!expanded));
Finally, I found it useful to add a button to reset the settings back to the config specified in the code, for when I don't want the settings to persist anymore.
It can be done in two steps: first, copy the initial config object so that we
can know what it used to be after config
is changed by tweakpane. I chose to
use JSON.stringify to do this for simplicity - using a function to do an actual
deep copy of the object would also work, but be aware that you need to do it
every time the button is clicked, not just on initialisation.
const config = {
number: 5,
string: 'hello world',
color: 0xff0000,
const initialConfig = JSON.stringify(config);
Then, add a button to handle the reset functionality:
pane.addButton({ title: 'Reset' }).on('click', () => {
Now, clicking the reset button will reset the settings to their initial values before they were changed.
The final code with the persisting settings, persisting fold settings, and reset button looks like this:
const config = {
number: 5,
string: 'hello world',
color: 0xff0000,
const initialConfig = JSON.stringify(config);
const pane = new Pane({
title: 'Controls',
expanded: localStorage.getItem(`closed-${location.pathname}`) !== 'true',
pane.on('fold', ({ expanded }) => {
localStorage.setItem('tweakpane-closed', String(!expanded));
pane.on('change', () => {
const preset = JSON.stringify(pane.exportPreset());
localStorage.setItem('tweakpane-preset', preset);
pane.addInput(config, 'number', { min: 0, max: 10 });
pane.addInput(config, 'string');
pane.addInput(config, 'color', { view: 'color' });
pane.addButton({ title: 'Reset' }).on('click', () => {
const preset = localStorage.getItem('tweakpane-preset');
if (preset) {
try {
} catch (err) {
console.error('Failed to set from preset', err);
All code in this article is freely released under the MIT license.
Happy tinkering!